17 research outputs found

    Modeling of query languages and applications in code refactoring and code optimization

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    Проблем садржаности упита један је од фундаменталних проблема у рачунар- ским наукама, иницијално дефинисан за релационе упите. Са растућом популарношћу SPARQL упитног језика, проблем постаје релевантан и актуелан и у овом новом контексту. У тези је представљен оригинални приступ решавању овог проблема заснован на сво- ђењу на задовољивост у логици првог реда. Подржана је садржаност упита узимајући у обзир RDF схему, а разматра се и релација стапања, као слабија форма садржаности. Доказана је сагласност и потпуност предложеног приступа на широком спектру језич- ких конструката. Описана је и његова имплементација, у виду решавача SPECS, чији је кôд јавно доступан. Представљени су резултати детаљне експерименаталне евалуације на релевантним скуповима примера за тестирање који показују да је SPECS ефикасан, и да у поређењу са осталим савременим решавачима истог проблема даје прецизније ре- зултате у краћем времену, уз бољу покривеност језичких конструката. Једна од примена моделовања упитних језика може бити и при рефакторисању апликација које присту- пају базама података. У таквим ситуацијама, врло су честе измене којима се мењају и упити и кôд на језику у коме се они позивају. Такве промене могу сачувати укупну еквивалентност кода, док на нивоу појединачних делова еквивалентност не мора бити одржана. Коришћење алата за аутоматску верификацију еквивалентности рефактори- саног кода може да дâ гаранцију задржавања понашања програма и од суштинског је значаја за поуздан развој софтвера. Са том мотивацијом, у тези се разматра и модело- вање SQL упита у теоријама логике првог реда, којим се омогућава аутоматска провера еквивалентности C/C++ програма са уграђеним SQL-ом, што је и имплементирано у виду јавно доступног алата отвореног кода SQLAV.The query containment problem is a very important computer science problem, originally defined for relational queries. With the growing popularity of the SPARQL query language, it became relevant and important in this new context, too. This thesis introduces a new approach for solving this problem, based on a reduction to satisfiability in first order logic. The approach covers containment under RDF SCHEMA entailment regime, and it can deal with the subsumption relation, as a weaker form of containment. The thesis proves soundness and completeness of the approach for a wide range of language constructs. It also describes an implementation of the approach as an open source solver SPECS. The experimental evaluation on relevant benchmarks shows that SPECS is efficient and comparing to state-of-the-art solvers, it gives more precise results in a shorter amount of time, while supporting a larger fragment of SPARQL constructs. An application of query language modeling can be useful also along refactoring of database driven applications, where simultaneous changes that include both a query and a host language code are very common. These changes can preserve the overall equivalence, without preserving equivalence of these two parts considered separately. Because of the ability to guarantee the absence of differences in behavior between two versions of the code, tools that automatically verify code equivalence have great benefits for reliable software development. With this motivation, a custom first-order logic modeling of SQL queries is developed and described in the thesis. It enables an automated approach for reasoning about equivalence of C/C++ programs with embedded SQL. The approach is implemented within a publicly available and open source framework SQLAV

    A GeoSPARQL Compliance Benchmark

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    We propose a series of tests that check for the compliance of RDF triplestores with the GeoSPARQL standard. The purpose of the benchmark is to test how many of the requirements outlined in the standard a tested system supports and to push triplestores forward in achieving a full GeoSPARQL compliance. This topic is of concern because the support of GeoSPARQL varies greatly between different triplestore implementations, and such support is of great importance for the domain of geospatial RDF data. Additionally, we present a comprehensive comparison of triplestores, providing an insight into their current GeoSPARQL support

    Primena ineligentnih senzorskoh sistema u razvoju integrisane automatizacije realnih i virtuelnih procesa proizvodnog preduzeća –rekapitulacija rezultata na projektu MA14035

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    U okviru ovog rada saopštavaju se rezultati istraživanja sprovedenih u okviru prve istraživačke godine na projektu MA14035 koji zajednički realizuju Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i kompanije Mikrokontrol iz Beograda, Ikarbus iz Beograda i FAP iz Priboja. Pored pregleda teoretskih i metodoloških sadržaja, posebna pažnja se posvećuje praktičnim izlazima ostvarenim u okviru ovog projekta u formi laboratorijskih demonstracionih instalacija na kojima su praktično verifikovani ključni inovativni sadržaji sprovedenih istraživanja. Na kraju saopštenja, navode se plan daljih istraživanja i perspektive primene ostvarenih rezultata u industrijskim uslovima, na proizvodnim linijama participanata ili u kontekstu projekata sa kompanijama koje nisu članice konzorcijuma projekta

    Primena inteligentnih senzorskih sistema u razvoju integrisane automatizacije realnih i virtuelnih procesa proizvodnog preduzeća – rekapitulacija rezultata na projektu MA14035

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    U okviru ovog rada daje se rekapitulacija rezultata istraživanja sprovedenih na projektu MA14035 koji zajednički realizuju Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i kompanije Mikrokontrol iz Beograda, Ikarbus iz Beograda i FAP iz Priboja. Pored pregleda teoretskih i metodoloških sadržaja, posebna pažnja se posvećuje praktičnim izlazima ostvarenim u okviru ovog projekta u formi laboratorijskih demonstracionih instalacija na kojima su praktično verifikovani ključni inovativni sadržaji sprovedenih istraživanja, kao i konceptualnih rešenja za izabrane tehnološke zadatke u prizvodnom pogonu kompanije Ikarbus kao jednog od participanata projekta. Na kraju saopštenja, navode se perspektive primene ostvarenih rezultata u industrijskim uslovima, na proizvodnim linijama participanata ili u kontekstu projekata sa kompanijama koje nisu članice konzorcijuma projekta

    Primena inteligentnih senzorskoh sistema u razvoju integrisane automatizacije realnih i virtuelnih procesa proizvodnog preduzeća –rekapitulacija rezultata na projektu MA14035

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    U okviru ovog rada daje se rekapitulacija rezultata istraživanja sprovedenih na projektu MA14035 koji zajednički realizuju Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i kompanije Mikrokontrol iz Beograda, Ikarbus iz Beograda i FAP iz Priboja. Pored pregleda teoretskih i metodoloških sadržaja, posebna pažnja se posvećuje praktičnim izlazima ostvarenim u okviru ovog projekta u formi laboratorijskih demonstracionih instalacija na kojima su praktično verifikovani ključni inovativni sadržaji sprovedenih istraživanja, kao i konceptualnih rešenja za izabrane tehnološke zadatke u prizvodnom pogonu kompanije Ikarbus kao jednog od participanata projekta. Na kraju saopštenja, navode se plan daljih istraživanja i perspektive primene ostvarenih rezultata u industrijskim uslovima, na proizvodnim linijama participanata ili u kontekstu projekata sa kompanijama koje nisu članice konzorcijuma projekta

    Association of Serum Pentraxin-3 and High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein with the Extent of Coronary Stenosis in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography

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    Background: We compared factors of inflammation high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and pentraxin-3 (PTX3), and we explored their relationship with coronary artery disease (CAD). Also, we tested the usefulness of hsCRP and PTX3 in the risk assessment of coronary stenosis development and the diagnostic ability of these biomarkers to detect disease severity. Methods: The study group consisted of 93 CAD patients undergoing coronary angiography. Patients were divided into CAD(0), representing subclinical stenosis, and CAD (1-3), representing significant stenosis in one, two or three vessels. Results: We determined the concentration of lipid status parameters, hsCRP and PTX3. We found significantly lower PTX3 and hsCRP concentrations in CAD(0) than in CAD(1-3) group. Concentration of PTX3 showed an increasing trend with the increasing number of vessels affected. The area under ROC curve (AUC) for the combinations of hsCRP and PTX3 with lipid parameters had useful accuracy for detecting CAD(1-3) patients (AUC=0.770, p lt 0.001). Conclusion: PTX3 is a promising independent diagnostic marker for identifying patients with CAD, and a useful indicator of disease progression. In all the analyses PTX3 showed better performance than hsCRP. A combination of PTX3, hsCRP with the lipid status parameters provides risk stratification of the development of coronary stenosis and better classification than their individual application

    The LDBC Social Network Benchmark

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    The Linked Data Benchmark Council's Social Network Benchmark (LDBC SNB) is an effort intended to test various functionalities of systems used for graph-like data management. For this, LDBC SNB uses the recognizable scenario of operating a social network, characterized by its graph-shaped data. LDBC SNB consists of two workloads that focus on different functionalities: the Interactive workload (interactive transactional queries) and the Business Intelligence workload (analytical queries). This document contains the definition of the Interactive Workload and the first draft of the Business Intelligence Workload. This includes a detailed explanation of the data used in the LDBC SNB benchmark, a detailed description for all queries, and instructions on how to generate the data and run the benchmark with the provided software.Comment: For the repository containing the source code of this technical report, see https://github.com/ldbc/ldbc_snb_doc

    Kidney auto-transplantation due to upper and middle ureter defect after ureteroscopy injury

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    Introduction. Surgery complications during and after ureteroscopic procedures are rare, mostly temporary and require no special additional procedures. However, major complications, nevertheless their small incidence (less than 1–2%), can be very serious and they include ureter perforation and avulsion. Case report. We represented a patient with complicated ureter iatrogenic stenosis developed after ureteroscopic procedure of stone removal. After several hospitalizations, septic condition with retroperitoneal abscess and an attempt of endoscopic and open surgical solution, the kidney auto-transplantation was successfully done. Conclusion. There are a small number of complications with ureteroscopic procedures, but when ureter avulsion or perforation occurs, and when the mission is to preserve pair organs, kidney auto-transplantation has the advantage over other methods of ureter reconstruction

    Significance of the correlation between serum-prostate specific antigen and the percentage of prostate cancer volume in postoperative biochemical progression

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    Introduction/Objective. Radical prostatectomy (RP) is the best form of treatment of patients with locally confined prostate cancer (PC). Biochemical progression (BP) of the disease occurs in 27–53% of patients after RP. The aim of our analysis was to assess the significance of the correlation of preoperative prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values and the percentage volume of PC in biochemical progression in patients with RP and the biopsy Gleason score of 6 and 7. Methods. The analysis included the results of treatment of 228 patients with the committed radical retropubic prostatectomy for localized PC in the 2007–2011 period. According to the Gleason grade system values, three groups were identified – 6 (3 + 3), 7 (3 + 4) and 7 (4 + 3). According to the preoperative PSA values the following three groups were determined and monitored: ≤ 4 ng/ml, 4.1–10 ng/ml, and ≥ 10.1 ng/ml. Biochemical progression was defined as two consecutive increases of PSA values ≥ 0.2 ng/ml after RP. The percentage of tumor volume (PTV) is determined by a visual assessment of the percentage of PC in each microscopic sample. Four PTV groups were determined: 0–5%, 6–25%, 26–50%, and 51–100%. Results. Biochemical progression was registered in 19 patients. Most frequent PTV in the group of patients with BP and from biopsy and RP was 6–50%, an average of 30%. Conclusion. Our study showed predictive significant connections between preoperative PSA values and the values of PTV after operational treatment and that these are independent parameters in the assessment of treatment results